Exciting news! Join the workshop taught by visiting scientist Jiří Vyskočil from The Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS), Germany:
Parallel Computing and HPC
Supercomputers thanks to their high performance empower researchers to tackle extremely difficult computational problems and drive innovations across various domains: from weather forecasting and drug discovery to financial modeling and condensed matter physics. During the workshop you’ll be able to perform calculations on a real cluster of Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.
Time: 3rd-6th of April, 2024 (3 hours per day)
Start date: 03.04.24 (13:00)
Place: Science and Education Space at KAU (https://kau.org.ua/en/news/735-new-science-and-education-space-at-kau)
Language: English (minimal skills)
Supercomputer cluster site.
Limited slots available, so reserve your spot now!
Register here!
Registration deadline: 2nd of April 23:59 (AoE).