Olga Voropai, The Academ.City project Coordinator took part in the Workshop “Projects Under the European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme in Support Of The New European Innovation Agenda” which took place in Brussels on January 26, 2023.
44 projects from the Horizon Europe Innovation Ecosystem and Scale-up Programs presented their vision and plans to transform the New European Innovation Agenda (NEIA) into areality.
We were glad to see some of our partners presenting their projects to Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.
G-Force, with their colleagues Shperik, G-Force, Fasttrack Action, and F6S, within the SynergistEIC project, will help start-ups scale via the European Innovation Council (EIC). The suggested program will help start-up teams and SMEs apply for the EIC financial instrument – EIC Accelerator.
Acceler8 and their partners from Wolves-X and Anthology Ventures are launching The Venture Thrive – a new venture builder for deep tech climate founders from Central and Eastern Europe and Widening countries. Ukrainian teams are eligible to apply.
Add March 16, 2023, deadline to your schedules.
KAU is also ready to join this cohort of innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem players together with our partners – the Arctic University of Norway (Norway), Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria), G-Force (Slovakia), EIT Raw Materials (Germany), Fastrack Ventures
General Partner (Portugal) and Impact Hub (Austria). In 2023-2025 we will run a SEEDplus project funded by the Horizon Europe Program and aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial ecosystems.
NOSC-UA DIH will work together with the rest of the Academ.City team and provide digital
platform support to the project.
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