Project overview
The web-service “Air” is based on the information technology of forecasting atmospheric spread of pollution due to accidents with emissions of hazardous substances, developed by IPMMS NASU, based on integration of emission scenarios, atmospheric transport models of different levels of complexity (from simplified screening models of local scale to regional model CALPUFF and weather forecasting system WRF-Ukraine, developed by IPMMSU:
– “Methodology for predicting the consequences of leakage (release) of harmful chemical substances in accidents at industrial facilities and transport” (Methodology of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 10, 2001. Under No 326/5517)
– “Methodology for Detection and Assessment of the Chemical Situation in the Case of Destruction (Accident) of Facilities Containing Severe Poisonous Substances,” Moscow, 1989 (MoD methodology, provided by the IPMMS NASU by the Department of the RHBZ MoD);
- prediction using the regional CALPUFF model based on WRF-Ukraine weather forecast data.
Modeling of harmful chemical agent cloud spreading process at the chemical hazardous facility and surrounding area for the period up to 3 hours allows to define accident parameters, such as cloud spreading depth, size of contamination area, duration of chemical contamination, time of toxic cloud approach to the target point or settlement, population number with different degree of damage (calculations are performed using data on the number of affected population, etc.).
Using the regional model CALPUFF and weather forecasting models allows you to generate a forecast for up to 72 hours for a user-defined forecast area (the number of grid cells in the range of 25-100 and a grid step in the range of 0.1 – 20 km) and a list of pollution sources.
Kovalets I.V., Maistrenko S.Y., Dontsov-Zagreba T.A., Khalchenkov A.V., Bespalov V.P., Khurtsilava K.V., Polonsky A.A.