On May 15, 2024, the opening presentation of the project “Increasing the capacity of the digital innovation hub of the Kyiv Academic University ‘Virtual center for Digital Innovation NOSC-UA DIH’, implemented by the Kyiv Academic University within the framework of the GIZ initiative ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs in the Eastern Partnership countries’ with the financial support of the German government, took place in the educational space of the Kyiv Academic University.
The event began with the opening of the digital innovation hub office.
Online participants of the meeting were able to watch a video tour of the NOSC-UA DIH Virtual Center for Digital Innovation and the joint Laboratory for Rapid Modeling and Prototyping of the KAU and the Kurdyumov Institute of Metallophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which was simultaneously conducted offline by Vitaliy Bevz, Head of the Laboratory, Deputy Director of the Institute of Metallophysics.
Yaryna Farina, Digitalization Advisor of the GIZ project in Ukraine, made a welcoming speech on behalf of GIZ-Ukraine. Volodymyr Nochvay, Head of NOSC-UA DIH, spoke about the areas of cooperation between the UAC and GIZ in the project. In particular, Volodymyr outlined the main goal of the project – the institutional development of a digital innovation hub as a regional and international digital innovation ecosystem of cloud technologies and services that uses not only advanced digital technologies but also scientific knowledge, so our feature is that we prioritize knowledge-intensive projects. Oleksandr Yurchak, Head of the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance, spoke about the business ecosystem of the Kyiv High Tech regional digital innovation hub.
During the meeting, the main services and activities of NOSC-UA DIH, as well as partners and participants of the Kyiv High Tech Regional Digital Innovation Hub were presented: Center 4.0 of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, WUA, 482.Solutions, Institute of Digital Transformation, etc. These services will soon be available to business representatives, so stay tuned for announcements!