On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, from 15:00 to 17:30, a presentation of the joint project of the German federal company GIZ Ukraine and the Kyiv Academic University “Increasing the capacity of the digital innovation hub of the Kyiv Academic University “Virtual center for Digital Innovation NOSC-UA DIH” will be held.
The presentation will be held within the framework of the international cooperation project “Digital Transformation of SMEs in the Eastern Partnership Countries” with the financial support of the German government. The strategic implementer of the project is the German federal company GIZ Ukraine. The implementing partner is the Kyiv Academic University.
The key activities of the project are: creating and supporting the development of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), strengthening the regional and international digital innovation ecosystem of cloud technologies and services using AI, big data, blockchain, and scientific knowledge. Expanding international cooperation in these areas.
The meeting will be held in online and offline formats: the venue and Zoom address for joining online will be provided to registered participants.
Registration of participants, welcome coffee, opening of the NOSC-UA DIH office (offline)
15:30-15:35 Opening of the event. Introductory speech.
Video tour of the NOSC-UA DIH Virtual Office and the joint Laboratory of Rapid Modeling and Prototyping of the KAU and the Kurdyumov Institute of Metallophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / V.P. Bevz, Head of the Laboratory, Deputy Director of IMF / V. Nochvay, Head of NOSC-UA DIH
15:35-15:45 Welcome speech of GIZ-Ukraine/ Y. Farina
Digitalization Advisor of the GIZ project “Digital Transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Eastern Partnership Countries”.
15:45-16:00 Presentation of joint services and activities “Centre 4.0 KPI DIH in the ecosystem of the regional digital innovation hub “Kyiv High Tech”/ O. Yurchyshyn, Head of Center 4.0 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute; N. Seminska, Research Institute of Postwar Rehabilitation and Prosthetics U PLUS
16:00-16:15 Project presentations
Presentation of the areas of cooperation of the UBA with GIZ in the project “Digital Transformation of SMEs in the Eastern Partnership countries. Ukraine”/ V.Nochvay, Head of NOSC-UA DIH
16:15-16:45 Presentation of joint services and activities in the ecosystem of the regional digital innovation hub “Kyiv High Tech”/ O. Yurchak, UCA; A. Gnap, WUA; L. Hatskevych, 482.Solutions; N. Vasylieva, Institute of Digital Transformation; V. Reshetnyk, Siemens Ukraine
Speeches by partners and participants of the regional digital innovation hub Kyiv High Tech
Results, networking, comments, discussion
For more information, please contact е-mail:. v.nochvai@kau.edu.ua